The names of the first finalists of the world championship in acrobatics are known

The world championship in sports acrobatics continues in Baku. Following the results of the first day of the competition and this morning, the finalists were determined in some types of the program. So, our male duo - Makhmudov Sharofiddin and Azizov Miraziz will now compete for medals in balance and combined exercises. Also, the place on the podium in the "balance" will be challenged by the male group: Khafizov Damir, Dzhumakulov Shahzod, Kamoliddinov Diyorbek, Suvonov Shokhzhakhon. Today this quartet will perform with a dynamic combination. Unfortunately, despite the unmistakable performance of the exercise in balance, the mixed couple Pak Anastasia and Nosyrov Ikromjon could not make it to the final in this event. It should be noted that this duet is the youngest at the championship, but despite this, our acrobats are worthy competition to the "experienced" acrobats from 13 countries of the world. Today Anastasia and Ikromjon will perform a dynamic exercise.